Discover key guidelines for gorilla tracking, including safety tips, ethical practices, and what to expect during your trek to ensure a respectful and unforgettable experience with these majestic creatures. The Gorilla Tracking Guidelines provided by Rokah Safaris Ltd are designed to ensure a safe, respectful, and sustainable experience for both visitors and the endangered mountain gorillas. Before embarking on your trek, you will receive a briefing from experienced park rangers who will outline the essential rules to follow while in the presence of these magnificent creatures.
It is imperative to maintain a safe distance of at least 7 meters from the gorillas to minimize the risk of transmitting diseases, as gorillas share approximately 98% of their DNA with humans and are susceptible to many of the same illnesses. Visitors are also advised to avoid direct eye contact, remain calm, and refrain from making sudden movements or loud noises that could startle the animals. While photographing the gorillas, the use of flash is strictly prohibited to prevent disturbing them.
Additionally, only one hour is permitted with the gorillas to minimize human impact on their natural behavior. As part of conservation efforts, group sizes are limited, and each group is accompanied by knowledgeable guides who ensure that the experience is both educational and respectful of the gorillas’ habitat. These guidelines are not only vital for the safety of visitors but also play a crucial role in the ongoing conservation of mountain gorillas, helping to protect and preserve these incredible animals for future generations.
Uganda Gorilla Tracking Guidelines
Before heading out to see the gorillas:
- Wash your hands thoroughly before leaving for the gorilla tracking activity.
- A maximum of eight visitors are allowed to visit a group of mountain gorillas in a day. This reduces the risk of exposing the gorillas to human-borne diseases and also minimizes behavioral disturbance to the gorillas.
- The guides will take you to the place where the gorillas were seen the previous day, and you will follow their trail. Keep an eye out for the gorillas’ nesting sites along the way!
- The guides will tell you when to prepare your cameras once you find the Mountain Gorillas.
- Always keep your voice low and watch the birds and other animals in the forest.
When you are with the Gorillas:
- Keep your voice low at all times. You can ask the guides questions.
- Stay close together when you are near the mountain gorillas.
- Stay at least 7 meters (21 feet) away from the Mountain Gorillas to protect them from human disease transmission.
- Do not eat or drink when you are near the mountain gorillas.
- If the Mountain Gorillas charge, follow the guide’s lead by crouching down slowly. Do not look the Mountain Gorilla in the eye, and wait for them to pass. Do not attempt to run as this could increase the risk of an attack.
- Do not touch the Mountain Gorillas; they are wild animals.
- Do not use flash photography. When taking pictures, move slowly and carefully.
- The maximum time visitors are allowed to spend with the Mountain Gorillas is one hour. This is to minimize their disturbance. If the Mountain Gorillas become agitated or nervous, the guide will end the visit early.
- Keep your voice low until you are 200 meters away from the Mountain Gorillas after the visit.
- Please carry out any rubbish you bring into the forest with you.
Health Guidelines
Mountain Gorillas are very susceptible to human diseases and the following are ways to minimize the risk your visit might pose to them;
- If you feel ill or have a contagious disease while at the park, please volunteer to stay behind. An alternative visit will be arranged for you, or you will be refunded your money as per gorilla reservation guidelines.
- If you need to cough or sneeze while near the Mountain Gorillas, please turn your head away and cover your nose and mouth to minimize the spread of viruses or bacteria.
- Always stay at least 7 meters (21 feet) away from the Mountain Gorillas.
- Respect the time limit imposed on visitors with the Mountain Gorillas each day. This minimizes the risk of disease transmission and stress to the group.
- If you need to use the toilet in the forest, ask the guide to dig a hole and cover it when you are finished.
- As part of the COVID guidelines, all trekkers are required to carry two facemasks (preferably surgical masks). You’ll be required to wear one at the briefing point, where your shoes and hands will also be disinfected. While trekking, you’ll not be required to wear a facemask, but you’ll be required to wear a fresh one when you get to the mountain gorillas. You’ll be required to keep a 32 ft (10 m) distance from the mountain gorillas with guidance from the expert trackers.
Rwanda Gorilla Tracking Guidelines
Before encountering the gorillas:
- a) Always follow the guide’s instructions as they are well acquainted with the national park and its surroundings.
- b) Stay within the designated tourist tracking groups while in the forest to avoid getting lost.
- c) Keep noise levels to a minimum as it can disturb the mountain gorillas and other wildlife in the forest.
- d) Avoid littering any rubbish in the national park.
- e) Do not go gorilla tracking if you are feeling sick.
During an encounter with the mountain gorilla:
- a) Always maintain a safe distance of at least 7 meters from the mountain gorillas.
- b) Avoid using flash photography while taking photos of the gorillas as it may irritate them.
- c) Keep noise levels to a minimum, especially within 200 meters of the gorillas.
- d) Avoid eating in the presence of the mountain gorillas.
- e) Do not touch the mountain gorillas; if they come towards you, remain where you are and avoid direct eye contact.
- f) Do not imitate the mountain gorilla behavior as it might send the wrong message to them.
Tourists are allowed to be in the presence of the mountain gorillas for only one hour to minimize the risk of disease spread from humans to gorillas. This is because about 98% of their DNA is similar to humans. To enjoy the experience fully, tourists are advised to carry enough drinking water, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, and carry a raincoat or waterproof pants as rainfall in Volcanoes National Park can occur at any time.
Health guidelines:
- All tourists must provide a certified negative PCR test for COVID-19 taken within the last three days or a COVID-19 vaccination certificate.
- On the day of the gorilla trek should a tourist show any COVID symptoms such as high temperature, cough, or flue, he or she shall not be allowed to proceed with the gorilla trek.
- Visitors are required to bring their own facemasks and hand sanitizer.
- Visitors are expected to maintain social distancing during all treks and throughout their stay in the park.